20/ 08/ 2020

 I have so many ideas about start-ups.

In entrepreneurship class, I learned if there is a problem, there has to something close to a solution.

I learned that we leave in somewhat fancy delusion, and have to wake the entire word.

I had bombarded with cosmological, mythological, psychological ideas, and discovery, I urged to find the answer or meaning of this life.

yeah, I procrastinate, I think the right time will come and it will change me. means I'm still dreaming.

I love cosmos ideas.

I like to try giving everyone essential to help to live their life peacefully.

and yeah, I think that the world is overpopulated and some of is getting far from they need or want in any way.

it's very obvious coming this from a lower class student.

I'm not good at education, I think I will be great at practical things like a job.

I had done an intern in marketing and operation, I need anything that can give me 50k a month in next 5 years. I want to change my parent's lifestyle. yeah, I have to get a degree first. which is not going great I guess.

I'm starting this, causes I want my novel, I think it will be the worst novel ever. but I'm doing this for me.

I always think that everyone is not doing their job in full satisfaction. I understand now, we are slaves of our mind.

I want to be an entrepreneur, cause I think that, I can do a better job than, they are doing right now. I'm depressed a lot, and do anything to bring some money at home. A lot of people are struggling in this area.

I always think, my life will be over. if things don't go along as expected. I want to be a provider for my family. and doubt that can I do that.

I started learning R, python. I will complete a large portion of Saturday and Sunday. sometimes I just wanna cry loud, when I start thinking about the money spent on the money. I really wanna something for my parents. and I can't stop now. 

people are really motivated and pursued their dream really satisfied. 

I had to start blogging, coding, stock marketing daily for at least 1 hour. I have to be great at it.

I have to change my thinking, come from setbacks that I create for my self. it's never late for something  I have to give hope to my family, to generations to acknowledge  "what a wonderful story, we are creating right now." 


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