A Time is Really relative?


            A possible explanation to " What is Time " by humans.

   Is available in a just moment by typing the same thing in your search box. Then you have it, you now know " What is time". And I'm sure, some of you not buying it or still shaking your mind with a smirk "what". But some minds are gone ahead to make sense meaning of "Time". Or what really is Time?

                     Cause, I also didn't buy that or too young to care that much, but who can explain it better, "what is time". (I'm also not near to really understand "The Time" ) But some minds are gone ahead to make sense meaning of "Time". Or what really is Time?

      So,  "Time is relative" explained by the great minds, We experienced time differently in terms of another living being, in terms of other space, in terms of different carriers.

        Some living beings experienced different Time reality compared to us, scientists suggest that the smaller the living being, the slower the time experienced by that living being. Due to their faster metabolic rate. Isn't it strange?

       From the movie "Interstellar", We all know that time pasts differently on the other galaxies planet. And we can't really experience differences unless we came back to earth. Not that we actually tested something like that, Its just "a movie".

      But, Its possible in a very different way, means Take the newborn twins, raised on the different planets, on different gravity and different solar system. They may have exposed to the same time, but there will be a huge difference in time experienced by them. which hard to believe in it, for them.

       In the "Cosmos" documentary. There was a thought experiment that, Imagine a train is started running in 2020 at 50% speed of light and we are traveling in it, The train is traveling around the earth for around 25 years.

     And after 25 years, It should be returned in 2045, but great minds suggest that wouldn't be a case. First of all, to achieve a 50% speed of light is impossible till now and also several decades ahead. and to sustain that speed for 25 years is as equal to the impossible.

      so ( where, I mean ) when we will arrive on the earth after 25 years journey on the impossible train. The great minds suggest we might be in the future after that journey.  

    But, it does not end only here, scientists suggest that the astronaut experience a slower time in space station compared to the normal human on the earth. The difference is definitely is small, but it's measurable, and it's proof that the travelling to Future is possible than the past. but that's going to be your present Now

so, I think the Time is really a Relative. Whats you think. Let me know.


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