What can i say, the title expl ains everything. Actually the word 'crush' perfectly refers to the situation of a poor boy or girl crushed between their minds & hearts. Many of you have a 'crush' to these day , while some of you might have overcome it. In either of these situations, there is a similarity, "your 'crush' doesn't know that you have crush on her or h im . And it's actually best part. ( I'm not going to bore you by telling definition of 'crush', But I WOULD LIKE TO SHARE MY 'crush' STORY WITH YOU.) SO, IT ALL STARTED (Actually, i don't know. about which one of the 'crushes' i should tell you. I have lot's of crushes. As I start, Thinking about it, I can't overcome it. BUT FINALLY.) And, as it starts,I was new in class or you say college as recently transferred, my father was a police commissioner. So, I have experienced many transfer of schools from my chil...